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TEBOW: You Always Want Support from the Top

Transcript of quarterback Tim Tebow's news conference at his locker following the Jets' Wednesday afternoon practice at the Atlantic Health Training Center:

On Woody Johnson saying he would be on the team for the next three years…

It's been great being here. I love being a Jet and I want to stay a Jet.

On if he would like to be the Jets backup quarterback for the next three years…

I'm loving being here and we'll just take it one game at a time and enjoy it every step of the way.

On being teammates with Mark Sanchez…

It's been great. Our friendship is definitely very strong. I feel like we support one another. Off the field and out of this locker room, I feel we're even closer than just teammates.

On if he will remain in his same role for the next three years…

I guess anything is possible, but I don't know what the future holds. Who knows? For me, I just worry about today, try to get better today, do the best I can on the practice field and when I get opportunities, try to make the most of them.

On if he would like to see his role expand…

You're a competitor, so you want to be out there helping the team whenever you get an opportunity, so yes.

On the Colts…

They're a good team. They had a big win this past week, beating Green Bay. They still have Freeney and Mathis, who are not talked about as much, but still great players, still can destroy an offensive scheme. So we have to be aware of those guys. They find a way to make plays and have won some big games.

On being a starting-caliber quarterback who is a backup…

I just look at everything as a blessing. I'm blessed to be here for the role that I have. I want to do a great job with it, and more than anything, I just want to try to find a way to help the team win football games.

On if he wants to do a great job being a personal protector or a quarterback…

Any of it. Overall, I'm just trying to be a great Jets teammate and the best player I can be whenever I get an opportunity to be that player.

On if he would rather win with the Jets or start somewhere else…

I'm just blessed to be here and I'm excited. We had a good day of practice today and I'm looking forward to Sunday.

On if the Colts will be ready for any fake punts…

I bet they'll probably practice it.

On if the fake punt was against their normal eight-man front…

It was their defense. I felt like they knew kind of what was going on. It was short. We felt we could get it. I ran behind Mac [Garrett McIntyre]. Those guys up front did a great job and we came out hard.

On Woody Johnson saying he would be a Jet for the next three years…

It means a lot to have that support, especially from an owner, so you always want support from the top, so it definitely is appreciated.

On saying after the game that he was frustrated to come out after his run near the goal line…

I don't know if that's exactly what I said, but I was excited for the opportunity. The two plays I had in there, I wish I could have gotten one into the end zone. So yes, I think I said I was frustrated I didn't get one of those into the end zone. But no, they [Rex Ryan and Tony Sparano] make a lot more money than me, so they're the ones that are going to make those decisions.

On if coaches are really getting paid more than him…

Wait, some of them do [laughter].

On if he thought he would be getting more plays on offense…

I didn't know what to expect. You just have to take everything in stride. Everything is a new learning opportunity, so that's how I try to take it.

On being in just eight plays against Houston…

You just want to make them the best eight they can be.

On if using the Wildcat more will make it more effective…

I think you only know if that's something if you do use it. You can guess, but who knows? If you use it more, is it going to be better? That's just something you just have to try and find out, or not.

On if it's human nature being frustrated playing fewer snaps than he did last year…

I'm definitely someone that gets frustrated, but I know my role here right now and you just try to do the best job you can, do a good job in practice to expand your role, and when you get opportunities, make the most of them.

On if he sees light at the end of the tunnel being a backup…

There is a lot of light at the end of the tunnel. We're 2-3, trying to find a way to make the playoffs, improve every single week, go out there and practice, get better, work on my fundamentals, continue to stay afterwards, try to get as many reps as I can, improve every day as a quarterback and whenever I get chances, make the most of them.

On if he memorizes his list in the previous question before interviews…

No [laughing].

On if he thinks he'll start as a sophomore like he did at Florida after being a backup his freshman year…

I already graduated [laughter].

On if he thinks plays can be effective with him and Sanchez on the field together…

I think there are definitely parts of that that can be effective, with both of us on the field. I think we have shown that a few times this year and had some pretty effective plays, but it is something that can work.

On if he has asked Coach Sparano to put him and Sanchez in on more plays together…

No, that's not something I would approach him about. I just try to understand and learn the game plans, do what I'm asked to do and do it well.

On if he gives Coach Sparano feedback on his plays…

When he asks for it, I'll give him feedback about different packages I'm in, but he has been doing this for a long time, so I just listen to him.

On when he finds out the play he has to run…

It's really whenever he's calling the personnel, he'll say whatever personnel it is, so I'll run out on the field and then I'll hear the play. So I won't have any advance.

On if there was confusion with personnel groupings against Houston…

There was one time, just because we had some receiver injuries, communicating which personnel with the receivers hurt. Injury kind of forced that.

On if the Wildcat is a Catch-22…

Not really.

On if he would be fine being in the same role for the next three years…

You never know what's going to happen in the future, so I'm not going to be someone that looks into the future and says this is what it's going to be. I'm going to take every day in stride and just try to make the most I can of every single day.

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