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SANCHEZ: Physically I Feel the Best I've Felt

Transcript of quarterback Mark Sanchez's news conference in front of his locker after the Jets' Wednesday afternoon practice at the Atlantic Health Jets Training Center:

On how important it is to get off to a fast start on Sunday…

It's important to play well the entire game. That's start fast, finish strong, and everything in between. We're going to need a great effort against a tough Buffalo defense and a great team effort in all three phases. I'm excited about the opportunity we have to get things going for real. It would be nice to get the first one, so we have to work hard.

On practice…

Looked good. Guys are running fast and I'm proud of our effort. Better than a regular Wednesday just because we had that extra practice on Monday, so that was nice, to start implementing the plan and get ready to go. We still have a long way to go and it's a long work week. It's important to stay the course and play well.

On the difference in Buffalo's defense compared to last year…

They've done some different things with personnel and obviously a new coordinator, but the most important thing is that they're tough. They're fast and they have a lot of great players. It's important for us to take care of the football, play well, be smart, eliminate penalties, and play well in all three phases.

On the Mario Williams/Austin Howard matchup…

We're expecting Austin to play well against someone who is very talented. A guy like Mario Williams, he's a game-changing-type player. It's important to block him up and get rid of the football.

On opinions surrounding the team…

That's par for the course around here, a lot of opinions circling. The most important thing is how we feel in this locker room. We're a solid group and we're excited about this next challenge, excited about our home opener.

On how excited he is to unveil a new offense on Sunday…

You make it sound crazier than it is. It's just football. We're just playing, trying to score, and take care of the ball. Like I said, the most important thing that matters, and the only thing we have to prove, is to ourselves. We want to play well for each other. As far as the outside opinion, that doesn't really enter our locker room and I'm confident that our guys can stay away from worrying about it.

On how confident he is with the offensive line…

They look good. I think they're ready to play well, run, pass all of them. It's a strong group. I love playing with Nick [Mangold] and Brandon Moore, Brick [D'Brickashaw Ferguson], Slaw Dog [Matt Slauson], and now we have Austin in there as well as [Jason] Smith. It's a heck of a group. These guys could be pretty special and it's my job to help them out as much as I can and get rid of the football.

On Chan Gailey's comments about the offense…

I don't know. We'll see. We just have to play well and take care of the football and try and score.

On if the team is executing more in practice…

We look good. We have to keep emphasizing catching the ball and keep running hard. We have to get those reps and make them as game-like as possible.

On the feel of the team today…

Like a regular Wednesday.

On if practice today felt like the first day of school…

Similar. You lay your clothes out the night before and get ready to go. We feel good. This is a heck of a group. I'm excited to play.

On how he was able to "stay above the fray" during the offseason…

Be true to myself, keep working through it, put your head down and work, really learn from last year but don't dwell on it and really push forward with a positive attitude and don't hesitate. I think it is human nature to want to hesitate after a tough year like last year but you have to fight that and really attack it and that is what I am trying to do.

On if he has ever thought he is a weak member of the team…

No, not at all. I just don't think like that. I don't think you can, playing this position. You can't last very long.

On the progress of the Wildcat…

I think it is good.

On if he has ever seen one part of the offense receive so much attention…

I don't know. I don't think so. Maybe not, maybe. I don't know. It is going well, though.

On if he is excited to play on Sunday…

The home opener is important. You never want to put too much into a game going into it, mentally making it bigger than it is. It is important to remember that we are using the same ball we use in practice and it is the same size field and just rely on this work we are putting in through the week and when we get to Sunday it should be automatic and it should just click. You don't have to think anymore, you just go play. That is my mental approach and I know a lot of guys take it the same way and we will be ready.

On the biggest improvement he has made since last season…

Physically I feel the best I have felt. My mental approach I feel solid. I feel confident in my throws. I have been fairly accurate and taking care of the ball so those are the biggest thing I want to improve upon. Now it is just do that over a long period of time and sustain it for an entire season and I am ready for that.

On if he has more to prove this season…

I think this team has something to prove to each other and not to anybody on the outside. We are accountable to each other in here and that is really the only opinion that matters, the opinions in this locker room.

On if predictions regarding season rankings drives him to perform…

Human nature, "Well, we're better than what they say." Who cares what they say? It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect our practice. It doesn't affect our performance. We have to rely on each other.

On if there will be opportunities for the offense to pass

The most important thing when you look at these guys is one, Jairus Byrd is a ball hawk. He is a heck of a safety. [George] Wilson has played a long time and has always played well against us. I know they have a rookie corner [Stephon Gilmore]. I know [Leodis] McKelvin is coming off as the nickel. It is a tough group. It is never a group where you say "oh we are just going to throw the ball over the field." We are going to have to work for yards and we are going to have to get open. They play well in their scheme so it is going to be a lot of work for us and we are going to have to play really well.

On if this game is more important because they play their next two games on the road…

It is just nice to get off to a good start, whether you are home or away. When you play at home, you want to play well for your home crowd and just get off to a good start. A lot of family members will be there so you want to put in all of the work you need and all the film study and reps and really take advantage of them this week and go play well.

On how Mario Williams changes the Bills defense…

He is a heck of a pass rusher. He really is a game-changer type player at defensive end. He is one of those guys playing against him in Houston, he gets his hands on the quarterback and you are in trouble. It is going to be important for us to play well and put a lot of emphasis on Austin [Howard] and I know he will rise to the challenge and play well for us.

On if the teams past success against Buffalo gives them confidence…

It's a different unit, really, on both sides. I just think personnel-wise, it's so different and we're so different, that I don't think it can really help too much. It's over a year ago. We have to play well on Sunday.

On being surrounded by younger inexperienced players…

I'm starting to become one of the veterans here. It's all the more important to do everything right. To be sharp, to be solid in my play that guys look to me as an example of how to do things right and how to work and how to study and prepare. That's really my goal is just to lead these guys. When you have to get on them, get on them, but for the most part just lead by example.

On if he's become a more verbal leader with the younger receivers…

I've always been able to talk to guys 1-on-1. That's easy for me. The toughest part is really ripping somebody. It just sucks. You don't want to be a Debbie Downer out there but at the same time I'm going to be the one holding the football and I'm going to be the one standing at the podium talking to you guys after the game. I'll fall on the sword every time, but at the same time, those guys've got to make catches, they've got to run the right route, they've got to be where they're supposed to be and be accountable and it's my job to hold them accountable. Same thing during camp, talking about it's my huddle. We joked about it, but when we get in the huddle it's serious. If you don't run the right route in zone and you think it's man-to-man, you're either going to get your head knocked off or we're going to throw an interception. That's the reality and that's what you have to convey to these guys. It's not that "Hey, I'm mad at you, Jeff Cumberland," it's "Hey, man, I'm trying to help us. It's all for us." Sometimes it's the worst part of what you have to do but you've got to do it.

On if the words are PG-rated when he yells at the receivers…

Depends on the day, the mistake, the outcome, but you try to be consistent as much as you can.

On if he's learned to be more vocal…

A little bit. I mean, it takes time. It takes a certain level of comfort and confidence, but that's the way it has to be.

On how taking command from the quarterback position was different in high school and college…

It is, but in college it's a different game and in high school it's such a different game. We were better than more than half the teams we played, just personnel wise, we were just better. You can leave runs on that you can't leave on in the NFL anymore. Joe McKnight just scampers through a tackle and there's a guy unblocked, and so what. Well now, if I make the wrong check, the running back is going to get blown up. That stuff just doesn't fly anymore, just like you run the wrong route, you don't block the right guy, I'm in trouble. We're all in this thing together and we have to hold each other accountable and it starts with the quarterback.

On Woody Johnson's comments about Tim Tebow…

He's selling seats [joking]. Tim obviously helps us, he really does. He can run, he can throw, he can do it all, so hopefully we'll give teams their fair share of Tebow and see what they can do.

On if he reads into Johnson's comment…

No, he's excited about him.

On Rex Ryan's comments about Tebow being effective and possibly seeing 20 snaps a game…

I mean, I have to play the cards I'm dealt here, keep working hard and leading this team and do everything I can. It's our job to work together, Tim and I, so that's what we'll do for the betterment of the team.

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