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Jets-Texans Postgame Quotes

Transcripts of news conferences and interviews with Rex Ryan and Jets players in the New Meadowlands Stadium locker room following the 30-27 victory over the Texans on Sunday:


We're 8-2 and moving on. I want to apologize to all of the Jets fans for affecting the heart a little bit, but we'll take the win. I understand we have some issues finishing games. We blew some assignments and coverages, but we'll get it fixed. We're 8-2 and we'll get it fixed, so I'll take it.

Aside from [Jets WR] Santonio Holmes, the thing that's most impressive is realizing that this is Mark Sanchez's 25th game as our starting quarterback, and for him to come back the way he's been is incredible. This was a great performance by Mark. I think the only people who thought we were going to come back with as little time as we had were our football team and our Jet fans. I apologize for keeping all of these games close, but at the end of the day, we'll take the win.

One other thing I would like to mention: I challenged the fans to get out here early, and I looked up and everyone was standing up. It was a shot in the arm for our football team. It'd been a while since we'd been home, and it was an amazing performance by our fans. They stayed so positive even though we tried to mess it up. Our fans hung in there and believed in us, and it was most appreciated.

I spoke to our team last night about mental toughness. That's what this stretch of games is all about. When you win two overtime games on the road for the first time in NFL history, then come back and have to play two games in five days, there are not too many teams tough enough to handle it, but we are. Obviously, we'd like to be able to win these games a little easier than we have been, but we keep finding ways to win, and that's what championship teams do. Again, if I have to apologize for it every week, I will all the way to the Super Bowl.

On Sanchez playing his best with the Jets back to the wall…

Anytime you talk about great competitors, they want the ball in crucial situations, and that's the way Mark is. His focus is there, and everybody on our sideline and our fans believe he's going to get it done. That's exactly what happened. You can't say enough about the plays LaDainian [Tomlinson], Braylon [Edwards], and Santonio made. We're using our entire roster — doing a great job. Wayne Hunter was filling in for Damien Woody. I thought our guys did a great job. I tip my hat to our offense – they had to pick our defense up again, but we'll take it.

On the injury to Woody…

I'm not sure right now. I have no idea.

On playing and winning close games…

Personally, I had the lap-band surgery, so I feel better about it. I can already see the headlines: "Far From Great." Who cares? We won. We'll take it. We talked about getting in this kind of situation where we pin our ears back. We're not use to giving up that many points in the fourth quarter, but we found a way to get it done.* *

On where the team would be without Holmes…

I don't even want to think about it. He's a New York Jet and we're 8-2 with him.

On if Sanchez could have made these plays last year…

No way. This is a different guy. He's got great experience, 25 games as an NFL starter. He grew so much in the offseason. I always mention it. His teammates know that he's the first guy in and the last guy to leave. He does it every single day. He's prepared. He prepares like a pro. Now he's reaping the benefits. Our whole football team and our fan base is reaping the benefits. We knew when we drafted him that we drafted the right guy. He's going to be the right guy for the next 10 years here.

On playing two games in five days…

Of course I'm concerned about it, but it comes down to our mental toughness. I like the guys on our side. Fatigue and that stuff weighs into it, but you have to be tough enough to overcome it. You take anything that's thrown at you, and that's what mental toughness is. We've taken a lot of great shots out there and we're still standing. That's what we plan on doing until the end of the year.

On who received the gameball…

We haven't decided yet. You can start with Santonio, probably go to Sanchez. A lot of guys over there. Defensively, I'd have to see the tape.

On the Texans and competitive balance in the NFL this season…

I don't see this team as an average team. They probably have one of the best offenses in the league. You got the kid [Arian Foster] that's leading the league in rushing. You have a quarterback in [Matt] Schaub and Andre Johnson who, in my opinion, is the best receiver in the league with those two dudes from Cincinnati. That's a good football team. They looked good against Indianapolis when they played them in that first game of the season. No apologies. Every team is a good football team. It's a balanced league. Everybody is spending about the same amount of money. You can't just buy yourself a championship, because if that was the case, we'd try.

On whether he considered letting Houston score late in the game…

I thought about it, but then I thought, we have two timeouts. We thought the exact situation would happen. We'd stop them on three running plays and then they'd kick the field goal. I said, "Let's stop them. We have confidence in our defense to stop them and make them kick the field goal. Then when you kick off to us, we have Brad [Smith] back there." I thought we'd get a good return, then give it to our offense and see what happens.

On if he's concerned about giving up big plays late in games…

I'm concerned about how we're playing mentally. We have to look at it and see why we're making these mistakes. This is the time where you tighten things up in that fourth quarter, where you know exactly what to do, what to expect and close out games. That's the mark of a defense that I know we have here, that we're going to have here. We have to look long and hard at it. We have to fix it, and we have to fix it in a hurry.

On the Jets ability to make big plays…

Big-time players make big-time plays in crucial situations. Santonio Holmes, Braylon Edwards, LaDainian Tomlinson, Mark Sanchez…we're making some plays. We've got plenty of playmakers. I don't think anyone's complaining about us giving up a fifth-round pick for Santonio now.

On limiting Texans WR Andre Johnson to four catches for 32 yards…

We did a good job of shutting him down. [Darrelle] Revis did a good job, but honestly, I'd like to tighten it up across the board.

On the touchdown to Houston TE Joel Dreessen…

We just blew a coverage. We made a crucial mistake there. That's what I'm talking about – we have to be dialed in. We have to ask ourselves why we're making these mistakes. It doesn't make any sense to me. We have to be more fundamentally sound, and make teams beat us physically, not mentally.


On his emotions during the last drive…

It was the same feeling for the past three weeks, sort of like Groundhog Day. We just know that we're not out until the final whistle. We just go out there and work. Braylon [Edwards] makes a heck of a grab and tightropes the sideline to set up Santonio [Holmes]. The pick before they kicked the field goal, I thought that I held onto it and put our linemen in a tough spot, so that didn't help. The fumble earlier in the game, the miscommunication, those little things can get cleaned up so we won't need the defibrillators four weeks in a row.

On the shock that Braylon Edwards was so open on the last completion…

I don't think he was that open. He just did a great job of staying with the play. I looked inside the entire time and came back really late to him. I think Nick Mangold flashed across my face to pick up. Well, I can't tell until I see the film, but Nick saved that play to give me a half-second of extra time.

That's the kind of effort we need from our guys to be in the game. Wayne Hunter filled in for a hurt Damien Woody and Robert Turner filled in for Brandon Moore at points in the game. We had Patrick Turner, who was called up for the first time this year, who makes a big catch early in the game to move the chains. That's the kind of effort, determination, resiliency, whatever you want to call it, that's the kind of guys we have. Those are the kind of guys that the team has drafted and has picked up in the offseason. We're proud of our effort and there are a lot of things we can clean up.

On his T-shirt that reads "383d Infantry Regiment WWII"…

This was my grandpa's division in the military. We honored the vets today and he was in World War II in the Pacific Theater. He passed away my sophomore year in high school. I know he was watching and I think he gave us that extra little boost there at the end. His first name was George.

On Santonio Holmes…

He does most of the work, to be honest. He finds a way to get open. He runs his routes really well and he's always positive. He doesn't say much, but when he does, it's positive. The last drive, we're going down, no timeouts left, less than one minute and he says, "Alright, let's get it." That's it. That's all he says. You might think he's asleep on the sidelines, he's that focused. He's dialed in. He doesn't look at anyone else. He doesn't think anything other than football. The guy is a gamer, obviously. He's a great teammate, so he compliments Braylon really well. He complements Dustin really well, and our running game. He's really added to our team and we're proud to have him.

On his mental preparations going into a must-win situation…

That is all I think about, in those times, to be honest. I'm just singing to myself, just thinking, just trying to get my mind off of everything, relax and know the situation. That's it. That's all I have to think about. Do we have timeouts? Do we not have timeouts? What's the line to hit to make the field goal if we need a field goal? Do we need a touchdown? What two plays are we calling first? What do we like? What personnel is in? Who's hurt? Who's healthy? Those little things, and that's Coach Cavanaugh, Mark Brunell, Schotty [offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer], Kellen [Clemens], Kevin O'Connell, all of those guys in the quarterback room talking about the last-minute situations, talking me through, coaching me up on the film.

I think that's where maybe our coaching style is different than these teams in why we're winning at the end of the game. We don't miss these coaching points at the end of the game. There were mistakes made on that last drive that I know Schotty is going to want to talk to me about. I know there are plays that Coach Cav is going to want to rep out on the field and again just in case we get it again. That's why we're winning these games. That's why I'm so focused at the end of the game, but there is a lot of work that goes into it. That's why it looks so great on Sundays. I know people are going to want to come out and say "good job, Mark" but there are a lot of people who had their hands in this, so I'm very grateful for that.

On facing adversity early in the game…

We feel like we can always dig ourselves out of a hole. The only problem you can't come back from is when the clock has run out. That's the big one there. We're cutting it awfully close. I don't think anyone has any fingernails left if they are a Jets fan. We want to be sharper earlier in the game. That could eliminate some of these comeback wins. We'll take the win and we are very happy. But we have a short week. Cincinnati put some points up on the score board, but we have to play well again and turn this thing around.

On Coach Ryan and the team's mental toughness…

Did he tell you about the speaker he had come in to speak to us last night? He brought in UFC fighter Frankie Edgar from New Jersey. The guy is barely bigger than this podium. This guy beats B.J. Penn in a UFC Championship bout when everyone counted him out. B.J. wanted a rematch, and then he went back and beats him even worse. Talk about a guy who is mentally tough, physically tough. He came in and talked to the team last night. What a time! What a perfect time. Just talking about never giving up, being counted out, playing until the end, fighting, believing in yourself, believing in your team and the people around you. Those were the only ones telling him he could win the fight. Everyone else was counting him out.

I think there's a lot of people who counted us out tonight, and last week and the week before that. We just look at each other, look at the guys wearing the Jets decals, and we know we have a chance until the thing is over. It was perfect timing for Rex to bring in a guy like that and give us a little extra inspiration so it was great for Frankie to come in.

On sustaining mental toughness with the team living on the edge each week…

Who knows and who is to say? We'll take the wins. The most important thing is that we are 8-2. There are obviously mistakes to clean up no matter what. We have two losses and eight wins. There are mistakes to clean up. We'll take wins anyway we can get them, but we'd like to do it a little easier than this.

On having difficulty preparing because of the short week…

I don't know about that. This team is always ready to play. We're always excited to come out especially in front of our home crowd and I thought they did a heck of a job hanging in until the very end. I would have thought that people would have left. Rex challenged them this week and they answered the call. This Thanksgiving, we need to be ready to play. So, eat your turkey on Wednesday and not on Thursday.

On wearing his t-shirt under his uniform today…

No, it was in the locker room waiting for the postgame.


On making big plays the past three weeks…

It is just me playing football. I think Woody Johnson and Rex Ryan made a great call by giving me a phone call on April 11 at about 9 p.m. I think that was the best decision that was made for myself and for this team. They brought me here for one reason, and that is to help this team win ball games, bring leadership, bring character and fight to win till the end of the game. I think them bringing me here was to contribute to all the guys we have with a little bit of fight in them. But to add one more and bring a spark to the whole team, is someone I can consider myself being.

On the play of Mark Sanchez this season…

I am absolutely amazed with the way he's been playing. The way he stays in for film study. You heard him talk about film study, that's all he talks about. When he's supposed to be the quarterback in the huddle calling the next play, he's running up and down the field in practice getting on me, Braylon [Edwards] or whoever he is throwing the ball to. I think those things build character. It shows that he wants to be a leader, he wants to win ball games, and he wants everything to be perfect. Regardless of what the outcome is in the game, he practices to be perfect.

On the game-winning touchdown…

When we made the call, I kind of licked my lips and looked up at Brad [Smith], and I knew this play was something we had been working on all week in practice. It just popped up and was so clean for me coming out. I knew the defender would try to strike and hit my hands down, but I just made it so he wouldn't see my hands come up at the last minute and just catch the ball in the back of the end zone.

On finishing games with little time remaining…

I honestly think if you give us any bit of time we're going to finish it. As Mark said, we've worked on these situation every day in practice. When I first came back five weeks ago, I asked Coach Ryan, how about we implement third-downs against our No. 1 defense? How about we do our two-minute drill against the No. 1 defense? I think that has definitely prepared us for whatever may happen on the field on Sundays. It is definitely showing that we've put some study and effort into finishing ball games.

On Braylon Edwards' late-game reception…

I think I was more surprised at the throw than Braylon being wide open. For him to step up in the pocket after getting pressured the whole drive and deliver a beautiful ball on the sidelines and Braylon staying in-bounds and making the big catch, I think that's what sparked us. That is what kept that drive alive. We were struggling over the first 10 minutes of the fourth quarter and into the third quarter, but things happen for a reason and that's why we continue to play the game until the clock strikes zero.

On making the game-winning play four of the last five games…

It's just playing football. It's just pitching and catching a little bit, having a little fun. We definitely don't want our fans biting all their nails off, running into walls or posts, whatever it may be. We just want them sitting in their comfortable chairs eating popcorn. But, situations happen like this and that's what we get paid the big bucks for, to go out and continue playing football until the end.

On the emotion after the final touchdown…

That was a great feeling, just to know that Mark placed the ball where only I had a chance to catch it. I ran so clean to the back of the end zone and to get my feet down in the back of the end zone, I definitely had to stop and take a mental picture of it. This is something that has happened to me before, and I prepare myself for these situations. I put myself in these situations on the sidelines, before every last drive that we've taken, I'm thinking what can I do to make a play for this team. The fire in my eyes and the fire in Mark's eyes, it kind of meets. That's what we need to do amongst all of us every week.

On his place on the team…

I've been playing football for almost 20 years, since I was six or seven years old. This is the game I love to do, this is something I know how to do, this is something I dedicate all my time, my hard work during the offseason, the sacrifices that I have to make to not be around my family, my kids, and just being here to dedicate myself. During the four weeks I took off during the season, I just worked. I stayed in my playbook and grinded every day. It put me in these situations to play in the fourth quarter. It keeps the body healthy, it keeps the mind going, and when you know one play can make a great difference, you never want to shy away from those moments.


On fourth quarter comebacks…

This is becoming our style of football, winning in the end, standing to it and making the plays when they count at the end. It's not the best way to end but at the end of the day, it's a win.

On how the team is feeling…

We won, so we're feeling good. We would like to get some of these games closed out before the 30-second mark; that's what we have got to work for. We have got to get back to the playbook this week and we have to figure out what is going on between the first and the fourth quarters. We have to figure out the penalties and mistakes, the execution factor, and we have to get better at that.

On the big play in the 4th quarter…

In the Cover Two I'm not the first option, but the safety cheated to the slot and I was there. Braylon made a good play.


On the coming back to win in the final minute…

Just a resilient team. Nobody had their head down. Everybody was focused on getting back on the field, offensively. We know we can win these types of games. The last couple of weeks we've been in these types of games and it shows what type of team we have. Everybody stuck together and we did it. We pulled through.

On his fumble…

On that play, there was some miscommunication. Mark [Sanchez] had killed the play, I didn't get the kill. I take the blame for that. I didn't get the kill, so it kind of was an off-play. I was running something different and Mark was running something different. When I saw that, I went to get the ball and it wasn't a clean exchange. By that time, guys had gotten into the backfield and gotten to me. I was trying to break a tackle, I should have gone down, and the ball came out.

On if he feels relieved that the team came back to win…

I knew we had what it takes, but I'm still kind of upset with myself. I'm happy we won, but we still have to fix some things.


On playing a short week…

In my case, it is better. I want to get back out on the field. I think a lot of the guys feel that way. You realize, that we get a win next week and we're 9-2 and essentially, you have a mini bye-week going into New England. It is huge. We put everything we had into this game. We have a short turn around and you have to do everything you can to get your body back. They had a dog fight today where they had a game go down to the wire and we are both going to feel the same way. We are glad we came out on top of ours.

On keeping them out of the end zone at the end of the fourth quarter…

I think it is huge. You never want to give up a touchdowns unless you really have to. We had time. it is one of those where you try to get the ball out, try and do whatever you can to create a turnover. Foster is a great running back as well, I think we were okay time wise. Obviously, we ended up sneaking it out.

On Mark Sanchez's performance and feeling "out of it" in the last few plays…

No never, we have too much talent. It has been proven over and over that we've got guys that rise up to the occasion and make plays. So, I would love to not being that situation, not put ourselves in that situation, but, at this point in the season, to be getting wins that's what it's all about.


On the match-up with Andre Johnson

The Houston Texans executed very well on offense. They were switching around their "go-to" guys; one of the catches was to me for Andre Johnson. They went down the field on us and had us on our heels.

On closing out the game

We had them down a bunch of points, and to see them crawl back like that, you don't want to let that happen. So we have to do a better job, when we have teams down, to keep them down so we can finish the game off strong.

On his hamstring

I've been playing the whole season. The hamstring problem was, I sat out a couple games, but I'm here. I've watched them the whole game and the outcome is the outcome.


On Mark Sanchez and the team's game-winning drive…

Week after week, it seems like, when we need critical plays or we need something to happen, Mark steps up for us. He really comes through. Our receivers also got open and allowed him to get the ball off and caught the ball. I think that throw down there to Braylon [Edwards] was an incredible throw, because you have the safety coming over top. He stuck that ball in a short window. People don't realize, that's a tough window to put that ball in and he threw a ball like I've never seen before.

On his long reception during the final drive…

That's something we work on. It's a certain type of defense we look for and once we see that defense, Mark automatically knows where I'm going to be. That's why he kind of threw it so fast and allowed me to do what I do and get up field.

On Santonio Holmes' game-winning touchdown catch…

I'm not surprised. I was sitting there doing my assignment and I hear the crowd. I look up, Santonio is catching the ball. That's a great feeling, second week in a row. What can you say?

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