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Jets-Seahawks Postgame Interviews


Transcripts of news conferences and interviews with selected players in the Jets' locker room after their 13-3 loss to the Seahawks at Seattle on Sunday:     


I think collectively we were all extremely disappointed with the way it went today. We worked really hard this week, both physically and mentally, getting prepared. I thought the focus was good all week. I thought they did a lot of the right things, and we put ourselves in a position to go out and play good football. I give Seattle a ton of credit. They played well today and we had plenty of opportunities to do positive things and to continue drives and stop drives, and we didn't do well enough. That's the most disappointing part of the game.

On if he considered going for it rather than settling for the field goal on the opening drive…

I anticipated the game being tight, and I thought at that point, being the opening drive, the important thing would be to get points. I wasn't sure how much the weather would continue to worsen as we went. I really felt like it could come down to three points, so I wanted to get the points on the board at that point, figuring that we had a long time to go, but that was the important thing there.

On the rushing defense…

It's not that mystifying. It's about having good gap integrity and being able to handle cutback lanes and setting the edge on the outside perimeter runs — all things that we had seen and we had worked on. A couple of those early edge runs, where we didn't hit him very well, they picked up some chunks, and some of the cutback runs as well, where we had too far off one side, understanding where you have to fit.

We talked all week about this being a different type of running team, and where the pressure points were. Sometimes we fit those pressure points correctly and properly, and other times we didn't. When we didn't, they hurt us.

On electing to punt after the delay-of-game penalty…

I felt like a 50-yard field goal, if you miss that field goal, you're putting them in very good position. Instead we end up punting it, and putting them on the 6 or 8 or whatever it was, knowing that if the defense goes in and can hold them there that we can convert to points.

Having the delay of game, there was no real reason for that. The official had his hand on the ball, and we have to wait until he takes his hand off the ball to be able to kick it. Once that happened, it was too late. It should never happen. The decision was made with plenty of time, and we had the group out there. James Dearth does an excellent job of that, he is very aware of the play clock. He wasn't able to get set and snap the ball in time to execute the kick.

On if the team showed heart in this game...

I think they showed heart all week. I don't question their focus, I don't question their intensity, I don't question their awareness of the issues that we've had here. They were addressed and we did a lot of different things. I don't think it was a function of that. They played better than we played, and that what it was a function of. I thanked them for their effort all week — I thought it was outstanding. That's why it was so disappointing.

On what it will take to improve…

We treat this a little bit different. I wish there was just one thing we could point to and say that's the issue, and that's the one thing we can correct, and it's not that. It's a function of doing the things that we did well when we won consistently, and we haven't been doing those things as well. They're all going to be tight games and this time of year, if you're not improving and not able to at least maintain the level that you've been at, then you're going to end up on the short end of the stick.

On the play of Brett Favre…

There were some things that were positive. There were some throws that weren't great, and some chances to hit those receivers. But there were also some throws that got there and we didn't convert on them, we weren't able to bring them in. That's going to happen in this type of weather. It's not going to come down to Brett or the receivers. It's all of us. It's just all of us.

On getting into the playoffs…

Like we talked about a few weeks ago, there are no shoo-ins, there is nothing guaranteed. The only thing guaranteed is that you have the opportunity to go play good football each week, as we had the opportunity to do. You have the opportunity to control your destiny, to play good football, to execute in all three phases, and when you do that, good things happen. When you don't, you leave things to chance, and you put your situation in someone else's hands, and that's never a position you want to be in.

On his emotions right now…

Disappointed. Really, really disappointed. For the group. This is a good group of people, a good group of players. I know how hard everyone has worked and how hard they worked last week, and to come out on the short end of this game is disappointing, because you see the time, the effort, the passion, the caring — all those things that go in to a game like this. Not winning is disappointing.


On the Jets' difficulty scoring…

Without watching the film, my gut feeling is, from an offensive standpoint, it had a little to do with everything. So in fairness, to answer that, I need to watch the film. Three points, obviously, is not good enough, and there are a lot of reasons for that.

On the offense today...

Thinking back, just like last week, really, we got a good start. We obviously scored more points last week, but it was a good start today. I felt comfortable, never really felt uncomfortable. We were just never able to get it going. Once again, three points. I don't care how well you're moving it between the two goal lines, but the bottom line is getting it into the end zone. So we moved the ball, we did some things well, but ultimately it's about scoring points. That's what we didn't do well.

On the Jets' decline after starting 8-3…

One thing for sure is this team is well aware of what opportunities have been in front of us. We felt that from day one. That's what's disappointing. Our guys know what's at stake and have worked extremely hard. They've said the right things. They've been good teammates. It just didn't work today. If we could play like we did against New England and Tennessee every week, boy, we'd be hard to beat.

But I don't have all the answers. And after those two games it would be easy to say "Boy, yeah, we're good" and all this stuff. We're the same team. We're the same guys, the same guys in practice. Believe me, every guy in that locker room is disappointed. If we didn't know any better, if we were naïve to what we had in our grasp and what we've let go, then it really wouldn't matter.

You see players come and go all the time but didn't realize the opportunity they had. I think this team really does realize it. That's what's disappointing about this. We'll stick together and see what happens.

On the team not having control of its destiny…

We've talked about it. You guys have talked about it. Once again, it wasn't like it's a big surprise one way or the other. We knew what was at stake. We didn't take advantage of it. It's not good enough. That's the bottom line. We had an opportunity, had opportunities. Some we capitalized on. Obviously there's been some bright spots, but here in the last several weeks it has not been up to par. So it is what it is. It's just disappointing.

On Mike Holmgren…

I think the world of Mike. Losing that game does not change that, obviously. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. Did I want to win the football game? Absolutely. And I know he felt the same way. He wanted to win it as well. But I'll say this again: I would not be here today without him, and I truly mean that. It's a disappointing day for me, but it's a disappointing season for him, but a good day for him.

I think he saw a nice response from the fans, as he should. We didn't see one quite as good. Once again I wish we would have won the football game. Do I think he'll coach again? I have no idea. I think he is one of the best coaches not only coaching today but in the history of the game. He deserves to do whatever he wants to do, and I wish him well.


On his pinpointing what went wrong…

Even though we won one recently, I don't know why. I have no idea. Since that one game, we have not gone out and played well. We are not going out and executing like we should be.

On the Jets' success early in this game and the decision to kick a field goal…

I wish I knew. That was the only drive we scored points on, so I don't know. It's the same thing every week. We are able to move the ball and then a penalty comes in and it sets us back. Or we stop ourselves and it is frustrating as we weren't doing that early in the year. Why it is happening now, I don't know. With all the guys we have and things like that, it is frustrating that we can't execute the way we were executing earlier in the year.

On the change of outlook the recent losses have created…

I can't explain it. I could never have imagined this the way we had played against two elite teams in the NFL. Now all of a sudden we are now at whatever we are, 9-and-6. I just couldn't have imaged this at all.

On what has changed recently and what the Jets now lack…

This is definitely not complacency. We come to work, we work hard, we practice hard. I think it is a lack of execution is the biggest thing. We have not been doing what we were doing earlier. We are not converting on third downs and didn't execute.


On pinpointing what went wrong…

We especially put ourselves in that position where all we had to do was go out there and do what we do and just win, and everything would take care of itself, and we didn't have to depend on anybody or anything like that. We have no one to blame but ourselves. It hurts, man, it hurts. There is so much preparation, so many hours. There is so much you have to do to get to this point. Now we are in the predicament that we are in. It is very frustrating.

On what caused the loss…

I don't know. This game was weird, man, weird. I don't know. I think I am going to have to look at the stats, but I probably have a pretty good feeling that third-down conversions probably, you know, got us a little bit again. We had a couple of penalties that kind of hurt us a little bit. But opportunities were there for us.

But to be honest with you, I can't even explain it right now. Maybe it is because of the way I feel, I don't know. But opportunities were there. I just can't explain what really happened in the game. All I know is that we lost the game. It is really hard to explain this one.

On if he thinks the Jets have collapsed…

I don't know that "collapse" is the right word. But I just know we didn't finish the deal. We didn't finish the deal. That is the easiest way that I can comprehend this thing. It was all right there in front of us, but we didn't close the book on this thing. All we had to do was take care of our business.

Like I said, we don't have anyone else to blame but ourselves. Now we are in a situation where we have to wait and see. We still have to win next week. Even if we win, we still have to wait and see what happens. It is frustrating.

On his team's opening drive and the decision to kick a FG on fourth-and-1 at the 2…

As a player, you just have to go out there and execute the play. First and foremost you just have to go out and do your job. You can't worry about trying to analyze the situation, especially in the heat of battle. You just have to go out there and play. There are so many things that you have to focus on. Just go out and execute on the play that is called.

As a competitor, sure, I would like to have gone for it, sure, but that is not my call as a player. My job as a player is to go out and do my job 100 percent on anything we decide to do.


On pinpointing what went wrong…

You know what? I wish I could tell you — I would relay the message everywhere else. I don't know what it is. We had a great week of practice and we prepared well and we just didn't get the job done. You have to take your hat off to Seattle. They came out and played. They came out to play the spoiler and they came out and played like it. I think you have to give credit to those guys for playing a good football game.

On his team's level of preparedness…

I didn't think we were flat. I thought we prepared well and came out ready to play. We played well in spurts, but we didn't come out and play 60 minutes of football well enough to come out and win. Like I said, there are no excuses. We just didn't do enough and play well enough to win.


On the travel to the West Coast…

This is tough. We came out here knowing that we had to get this win and we couldn't get it done. I don't know if it is the West Coast or not, but we struggled out here. We just couldn't get it done.

On the playing conditions…

They were tough. The snow was building up under your cleats so that you couldn't get your footing. So it was going to be a good day for running backs and their running back had a good game. But we both play in the same conditions and we just didn't get it done. They were the better team today.


On if anything changed from the Jets' strong start till now…

Not at all. We were doing pretty good. We had a winning streak. We just couldn't get it done today. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I'm frustrated, disappointed, bothered. I don't know what to say.

I can't really say right now what the problem is. The main thing was that we got outscored. However we prevent points or get points, those are things that we didn't do today. This is a hard time to say that we did bad, or what we didn't do good. We just have to go watch film tomorrow and see what's going on.

On why the Jets weren't able to get pressure on Seattle's offensive line...

We did a good job of getting back there. We anticipated [Seneca] Wallace to scramble as much as today. He didn't do that. They were short, efficient passes. He did a good job of getting rid of the ball. And they kept their blocking schemes simple.

On how the weather conditions affected his team...

No, we practiced in it Friday. They played on the same field as we did and they won. We can't allow ourselves to fall into it and say that's what happened. The field doesn't play the game for us.

On what to say to the team to regroup for Miami...

Stick together. Right now is not a good time to start pointing fingers: "If you did your job" or "If you did this" or criticizing the coaching. We play the game. We players have to take responsibility for winning and losing. Stick together, don't point fingers, remain the family we are. Just play the rest of the season with the rest of your heart.


On what to blame this loss on...

You can't make excuses when you lose. When you lose, you lose.

On expecting a bigger effort from the Jets at Seattle...

It's all effort. You can't go back to the film and not see guys trying. Lack of effort is not a word you use, I don't think. It's just execution. We are not executing.

On if the Jets thought they were a shoo-in for the playoffs when they were 8-3...

There is no such thing has a shoo-in. The situation we're in now says that.


On what is causing the Jets to lose…

We are getting outplayed. We are just not getting it done. Yeah, it is a lack of execution and we are getting outplayed. When it comes down to it, they are executing their plan better than we are executing ours. That is something that we have to do. I am not really happy to talk about it and I don't feel like I want to continue this. But that much I can say — we need to do better. We win as a team and we lose as a team. We need to find ways to do better, and if we don't we will have the same outcome.

On if he is shocked that the Jets are in this position...

I can't really say that we are shocked. It is not like it all just happened in one day. It didn't just happen all in one day. It has been happening collectively over the last couple of weeks. My guess is that we just have to learn how to handle adversity a little bit better than we have.

I think success in different situations can be adversity. We did real well as the season progressed and then we hit a slump. We won some good and we lost some good. We can't afford to do that. I know now the focus has to be next week. That is a hard pill to swallow this week that not only do we have to win next week, we need some help from others to have postseason hopes. That is where it is right now.

On the Seahawks' O-line backups doing so well…

I will have to see some of the film, but they have been playing good, even though they have had some adversity. Honestly, they had a lot they were playing for — it was Holmgren's last game. They executed well. This is the NFL for a reason. Regardless of anything else, this is the situation. Everybody has to start somewhere and you have to give those guys credit.

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