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Sanchez's Wednesday News Conference

Transcript of quarterback Mark Sanchez's news conference at his locker following Wednesday's midday practice at the Atlantic Health Jets Training Center:

On not controlling their own playoff destiny this week…

We're just focused on the things we can control and that's trying to play well against Miami and coming up with a win, so that's first and foremost on our list of goals. After that, we'll see what happens. Hopefully, we get a win and once we land, on the plane, we find out everything worked out in our favor, but all we can control is winning.

On if the locker room feels different this year because the playoffs are in jeopardy…

I don't know [if we] rolled [into the playoffs the last two years]. The first year, we had to win to get in, just like this year. Fortunately, we controlled our own destiny that rookie year, but this is really no different. We just have to go out and win the game. That's our main focus, and after that, let the chips fall where they may and we'll worry about the rest later. We're playing to make our way into the playoffs, and however we get in, we're in and we can potentially be a dangerous team once that happens. We can't look ahead, we just have to win on Sunday.

On how difficult it is to hear criticism about if he should be the starting quarterback…

It's understood anytime things don't go your way, things aren't as successful as people expect. Obviously, there are high expectations. We went to the AFC Championship two years in a row, so there is only one more step to make really, win that game and then go win the Super Bowl. With those expectations, that's fine. When things don't go right, people are going to immediately question me, Rex [Ryan], Schotty [Brian Schottenheimer]. That's the way it goes, and that's the position we're in.

It's important in times like these to just trust what you know, trust the guys around you and just keep working. You have to work through these times. You have to work through the good times and bad times, and that's OK. I'm ready for these challenges and I know we can overcome a lot with the guys in this locker room.

On if he ever gets angry and frustrated based on the fact that this team has gone to two consecutive AFC Championship Games…

No, because you can't hang your hat on that, at least I don't. I know a lot of Jets fans this past offseason were like, "Man, you took us to two AFC Championships. This is the best two seasons we've had in so long," and they've thanked me and been excited. Right now, obviously, when you're not winning, it's like, "Man, come on, you have to play better than that." That's OK. These fans want results. That's fine. We're here to create results, create wins and manufacture wins each week and we just haven't been doing that. We haven't been as consistent as we need to be. We've identified a lot of the problems and now, it's never too late to fix them and this is our chance this week.

On if he feels he has improved…

No question, absolutely. Whether it's defensive recognition or clock management and stuff like that, understanding the offense and the system, I'm light years ahead, so it's been a great run so far and we're not done yet. Hopefully, we'll get a win and see what happens.

On if it is difficult to not think about the missed opportunities they have had this year…

Naturally, you want to, "Man, I wish we could've." Last year, we were in the position where we could sit a lot of our guys. I took the first series and then [Mark] Brunell finished the game. That's a luxury to be in that situation and you have to earn that, and we haven't. So naturally, you want to look back and figure out exactly what you did wrong, but right now, there is no time. There is not enough time in the week when you have a game on Sunday like this to think about all those negative things, think about, "Well, we should've, could've, would've." Forget that, you have to move on, evaluate our mistakes and correct them. Then get into this week with a great attitude, a positive attitude and a winning attitude, and that's what we're working towards.

On Miami's defense and how much they have improved…

Their record is in no way indicative of this team, their talent and the way they are all playing together. They're healthy. Jason Taylor is playing his butt off. He's doing a great job. Vontae Davis is healthy. Him and Sean Smith are probably two of the best corners we'll see all year. Then if we win the game, it could be like that all through the playoffs if we're in, so this is a good test for us. That front seven, there aren't much better than that, especially when they're playing the way they can and the way they have shown these last couple of weeks, so we're going to have our work cut out for us.

On how confident he is that the offense can put everything together for this game…

I think we have to be smart about it. It's not like you can fix every little thing. Each guy has to pick a couple of things this week and get better. The number one overall goal is the ball security issues, whether it's a decision, a read, a throw, your route landmark or the protection, it all has to be good. The ball has to be of utmost importance, whether that means throw it away, get down, don't take hits, don't expose the football, all that is a part of it. I think that's our number one goal. We're 5-1, I think, when we take care of the football and win the turnover battle, and we're 1-5 when we don't. Right there alone, that's number one, and all the other things will kind of fall into place.

On balancing protecting the ball with trying to make a big play…

That's really the catch in this whole deal. You're fighting for your life here, you're fighting for your playoff destiny, and at the same time you have this other voice inside your head saying, "Hey, take care of the football." When the time comes, you have to make a play, as well. There is a fine line. That's what playing quarterback in this league is all about, and that's something I'm learning a great deal about these first three years. It'll be a good test and I think this team will be ready.

On if he thinks he is a victim of the standard he created for himself by getting to the AFC Championship the first two seasons…

I'm no different than any other guys on this team, the coaches and the staff, we hold ourselves to a high standard. I don't want to feel like I'm a victim or anything like that. We expect to win, we expect to win every week and we expect to do it all right. If you don't expect that, you won't fit in on this team. We haven't been as consistent as we should've been, so I think that's where the criticism should be. That's why our record is the way it is, but I don't feel like we've set the bar too high. There is no way. I don't feel like that, at least.

On how he keeps the criticism in such a healthy perspective…

I'm real fortunate to have great family members, to be in a world-class organization where they want to help and make sure that, there is more than just the physical and the mental side, there is the psyche side. There is the emotional side to this game, and as much as you want to shut it off, you have to give yourself a little perspective and understand what's at stake, but not too much perspective because then you lose your competitive edge, and not zero perspective where you're just driving yourself into the wall. I'm trying to stay in the middle and just understand that we have a big game ahead, we don't control our destiny, but we can control the outcome of this game. That's our focus. Just don't get ahead of yourself, don't make it bigger than it needs to be.

On how he handles the opinion that the Jets should consider someone else at quarterback…

That kind of stuff happens when you're not playing as well as you'd like to, when your team is not in control of their own destiny in the playoffs and stuff like that. That's natural and that's a part of this league, so you have to handle that stuff.

On if part of him wants to prove to people that he is the guy to have at quarterback…

I'm not out to prove anything like that to people. I just want to work hard for these guys on the team. These guys know I'm leading by example, being vocal if I need to, but these are the guys I'm playing for right here in this locker room and in this building. When we do that, when we all have that approach, I think that's when it's great for the fans, too, because then we're playing for each other, it's obvious, and we get wins. Then everybody is happy.

On if he is confident that everyone in the locker room supports him…

Absolutely, no question.

On if he ever regrets wanting to come to New York and play in this spotlight…

No, not at all. Win, lose or draw, I'm the luckiest guy in the world, I promise. I'm lucky to be here. I'm lucky, fortunate, blessed, whatever you want to call it, I'm thrilled about this job and about this opportunity his week. Have we played our best? No, but it's still the best time I could possibly scheme up in my head. We just have to keep pressing, be smart, win the game and see what happens.

On why the offense has been so inconsistent…

I think it's been on the execution end. We've all been taking our turns making mistakes on each play. It seems like there are reasons for all these mistakes and there are reasons for why drives don't finish or we don't convert on third down. When nine or 10 guys do it right on a play, it doesn't work. We just have to be more consistent. I really think that's just been our Achilles' heel. We're all taking our turns making mistakes on different plays and that's why things don't work the way they should.

On how he fixes a mistake when someone different is committing the mistake each time…

I think that's why we have the coaches we do and why we have the players we do, to be competitive, look in the mirror and figure out, "OK, where did I screw it up? What reads could I have made better? When could I have gotten the ball out sooner? Was it accurate enough?" A ball length left or right, or up or down, that stuff makes a difference and you have to take to the coaching. You have to be really critical of yourself and leave no stone unturned when it comes to correcting. I think that's it, and then to remember, you're not going to fix everything in one game. Strive to fix it all and be perfect, but at the same time, don't just let everything go out the window when it doesn't work one play, so this is just a good reminder for our guys.

On if he and Coach Schottenheimer ever acknowledge that there is a lot of criticism that comes their way…

We know. You win and you're the best in the world. You lose and the sky is falling. That's the way it goes. It's important to understand that's what's going to happen and to not let it affect you. Just keep working through it. You have work to do in wins and losses, so we have a lot of work to do.

On if Coach Schottenheimer has ever given him advice on dealing with criticism…

No, he knows that I don't let it affect what I'm doing in here. Like we talked about earlier, just keep a good perspective on things, understand how fortunate we are, and understand, obviously, that we need to get better, work hard, work smarter and be more efficient. Those are our main goals, but he knows that I can handle it.

On if he feels that he has played as good as he wanted to play in the third year of his career…

I put a lot of my evaluation on the year, I'll wait until the end of the year, but it really goes off of our record. That's the most important stat to me. All the other stuff will fall into place with experience and time, timing with the guys around you. The more you play with those guys, the better you can get. It's inevitable. I don't think we've hit our potential this year, that's for sure, but that doesn't mean that we can't accomplish a lot of the goals that we set out to accomplish. We have a chance, we just have to win on Sunday.

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