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Sanchez's Wednesday News Conference


Transcript of Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez's news conference following Wednesday's midday practice:    

On his thoughts after watching the game against Atlanta…

Pretty much the same as what I thought after the game, a couple of bad decisions. The first interception, we didn't need that kind of throw at that time. It was third-and-long in our own territory, first drive of the game, so no excuse for that. Then the second one, I probably should have gone to the combination route we had on the front side instead of throwing back side to Dustin [Keller] against the corner. It's just not the ideal matchup that we wanted.

The last one, just forcing. I think it was third-and-13 after a penalty. It's a four-down situation. We've got what seems like a lifetime, a minute and 38, two timeouts and the two-minute drill. That's gravy. It should be, at least. Those are situations where I need to step up, make better decisions, be smarter with the football and help the team out.

On why he is repeating some of his mistakes…

I've just repeated some mistakes, but I think the coaching is getting there. It's just a matter of getting through this growing phase. There are no excuses for making these decisions because I've shown that I can play smarter than this earlier in my career at SC and high school. Sure, it's a different level, but at the same time those decision-making skills need to be sharp and need to show up on gameday. It's just a matter of really understanding the situation we're in and really trying to focus hard on it. It's frustrating at times because I'm working so hard and then to go out on Sunday and lose it for three plays, that can cost you a ballgame.

It's just a matter of really taking to the coaching and keep working at it. It obviously bothers me and it's something I really do care about. I think the team knows that. I know they're not exactly happy with 20 interceptions, but they know that I'm really working hard, I've got a positive attitude and I care. I think that's why a lot of guys have really backed me through this whole growth phase. That's the dynamic of being the rookie quarterback on a veteran team. You just need to elevate your play, especially these last two games. A lot of people might be counting us out, but we've got a shot. That means just really focusing in for this two-game season.

On if he's making decisions during the heat of the moment on gameday…

I don't know about that. I don't feel like there's all this pressure, like I don't know what to do and I'm just going to have a meltdown or anything.

On going by his instincts on gameday…

I feel like my instincts have made some great plays for us. Just moving around a little bit here and there and last week, flipping the ball to Danny [Woodhead], that was one situation where I felt like I was going to have to run. To see Danny like that and just get it out really helped especially with my leg — it's not the best idea to be running around. I think the instincts have helped us more than anything. It's just making the right decisions and understanding the importance of the football.

On if he could have imagined that he would have 20 interceptions…

No. You never want to think about throwing that many. That's a lot. The ones that are killers are late in the game or even early in the game like the Jacksonville game, the first play. Then they go down and score. The first drive against Atlanta and then they go kick a field goal. We lose by three points. Jacksonville we lose by a touchdown. They're killers. It's like missing a layup early in a basketball game and then you lose. You can't think about it during the game, but when you go back you're just "Man, I wish I could have had those throws back."

It's never what you'd envision, but it's something that I'm definitely battling through. It's a big-time challenge. It's not supposed to be easy in this league. I know that. I know a lot of quarterbacks have struggled similar and even a lot worse than I am. I feel like in spurts, I've shown that I can do really well. I just need to play more consistently.

On if there is pressure for the offense to finish drives against the Colts…

Absolutely. When you play against that kind of offense, you need to sustain drives. You need to score touchdowns, not field goals, because they'll make you pay. They can score quickly. We have all the confidence in the world in our defense, but that's an offense that knows how to score so it will be a good challenge for our defense and then a good challenge for our offense to play against a stingy defense. They might let you get all the way to the red zone and then they come up with a big play, a tipped ball or something when somebody tries to force the ball downfield on them. They have a great ballclub. There is no secret why they're 14-0. They're pretty solid.

On what goes through his head after he slides head-first…

I'm just trying to take the hit off. When you're still in the backfield just trying to get back to the line, a slide is just really for open field, if there's nothing left and you can't quite make it out of bounds. That's when I'll try it. I tried a halfway one last week.

On his thoughts after a game…

It's hard because usually there's family in town and you don't want to beat your head against the wall with your family there. You just want to go get something to eat. You've got to act a little bit on days like that because it's hard. You don't really want to see anybody, but they fly across the country and you've got to save face with them, put on your Vegas face [laughter]. They're rough ones.

It's rough on Sunday afternoon like that, knowing that I felt like we just squandered some opportunities, me personally, and let a game slip. I think we're a better ballclub than that, but we can't harp on stuff like that. We've just got to learn from the mistakes and move on. It's tough on days like that, but they keep you coming back. I'm ready to move on.

On if he feels like he's letting the team down…

At some points, yes. It's not very ideal for the quarterback to give the ball away like that. It makes things tougher on us as a defense, an offense, on special teams. To eliminate that would really relieve a lot of pressure those guys are under. I've just got to keep working.

On if his inconsistency has beat him down…

It's just a challenge. It would be easy to kind of pack it in and just go through a practice with no emotion. I'm the first one who comes back on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ready to go. I've got to get back and get back on track. To me it's like the next game, the next throw. "All right, you've got to snap out of it. Let's make this thing go and get back to what you're used to and playing well." This will be a great week to start.

On if it's encouraging to know some of the top quarterbacks in the NFL went through rough patches…

A million people have told me Manning in his rookie year threw 26 interceptions. I mean, Peyton would say the same thing. It doesn't make it OK. That's not a benchmark — you're automatically going to be good if you throw 26 interceptions. That's not what I'm headed for. Sure, a lot of quarterbacks go through this. Like you learn in high school, like the hero's journey, "You've got to go through the belly of the whale." Hopefully, it's short because the acid in the belly doesn't feel very good right now, if that makes sense.

On his relationship with Peyton Manning…

I talked to him before the draft. He came out to SC. He was filming a commercial and he threw with our guys out there. He was great. He was talking about his situation and his decision he made coming back to school. He wished me the best of luck. He was very nice. My dad talked to his dad for quite a while. He helped in my decision process prior to the draft and prior to making my decision to come to the NFL.

On Manning's advice to him before he declared for the 2009 draft...

The biggest thing he tried to impress upon me was that it's totally up to you, whatever you feel is right and whatever you feel like you want to pursue. He said for him it just felt right to go back. It worked out for him and I know it'll work out for me.

On going against the Colts defense…

You don't want to get caught holding the ball. If something's not there, check it down. If the checkdown is not there, you're trying to make it back to the line or just get the ball out of your hands. It's not like something you want to rush through. Plays take time to develop. Having a sense of urgency will help and make sure you don't get hit by those guys.

On making the same mistakes…

It's frustrating. It's something that needs to change for us to have more success. It definitely will. It's something I've been working at like crazy. I'm confident it's going to work out. It's just a matter of really focusing in and not letting it get to me. This is a big-time challenge and I'm lucky to have the guys we have on this team to help me get through it. It would be different in a lot of other situations. I'm pretty fortunate to be here. For us to be 7-7 with 20 interceptions, this is a pretty good team. I've just got to pull my weight.

On if he was bothered by Braylon Edwards' comments…

No. He was frustrated. He cares, too. He might have gotten a bad rap at other places, but he's been pretty dedicated since he's been here and very supportive. A lot of guys in his position would have just been happy with 105 yards, a big touchdown and a loss. That's not OK with Braylon and that's good. That's really good. He wants to win and that's all he wants. I think we all felt the same way. We were just frustrated. We all felt like we let a game slip away, so I'm not upset. People have different ways of voicing their opinions. He's just frustrated and wants to win. I like his attitude. I like that that's not OK. Last Sunday wasn't OK with him. That's encouraging.

On if he thought Edwards' comments were directed at him…

No. He's competitive and we want the best out of each other. He made some really good plays for us. At the end of the game, he had done so well I kind of locked onto him. That's my fault. He's running the right route, but he's covered, so I've got to throw it someplace else.

On wearing two knee braces…

It was fine. I'm not as mobile as I'm used to. It's OK. It's probably a similar plan this week.

On the hardest part of being a rookie quarterback on a veteran team…

Just feeling like some of my mistakes have really hurt us. Coming into the locker room the next day, coming into the huddle, it takes a lot to move on and convey to these guys, "Hey, I'll be all right. Just give me a shot. I'll be fine." I think I've done that. They've seen it, too, in flashes. They've seen my leadership come across. They've seen me be very active. They've seen me throw the ball away, check it down. They know it's there, but just getting it to happen on a consistent basis is what we're all searching for. They've been very supportive. Like I said before, it could be a lot different in other situations, maybe more difficult. I'm very fortunate here.

On if he's trying to do too much…

I think early in the game last week I did, that first drive. It was just something we didn't need. It's a situation where I just need to let things work for me, let the offense work for me instead of trying to make something happen. There are good players in this league. Sometimes you lose. Sometime you've got to throw it away. That's something I'm dealing with right now and I'm trying to get better.

On still having a shot at the playoffs…

That's another encouraging thing, just knowing that even if 10 of the 20 interceptions were just incompletions, who knows? Not even a complete ball. If you don't give it to them, we've got another play. We'll punt it. We'll kick a field goal. That's frustrating and encouraging at the same time. Which is kind of weird, but just keep working.

On if he knows Curtis Painter…

I met him during the draft process this year. We have the same agent in Dave Dunn at Athletes First. We worked out together with Coach Johnson at my high school all winter and spring. A great guy, an accurate quarterback. He's learning a ton from Peyton. It'll be exciting to see him play. We'll see how he does, but I'm sure he'll be just fine.

On if had experience in domes…

Buffalo in Toronto, Houston, New Orleans.

On if he had experience in domes before the NFL…

No games.

On what the adjustment is like to play in a dome…

I guess it could be louder inside. Houston wasn't too bad. We played really well. New Orleans got pretty loud, but crowd noise is something we need to deal with. We need to be sharp with our signals. Belting out the cadence is importance for everybody to hear you. I feel comfortable playing indoors.

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