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Giants Postgame Interviews


*Interviews in the Jets locker room after their 35-24 loss to the Giants at the Meadowlands on Sunday: *


Obviously not very happy with the second half of that game. It comes back to studying. We discuss every single week about consistency, about the ability to finish. As much as the first half was positive, in the second half we just could not get going the way we needed to get going and we could not stop the things we needed to stop. It comes back to consistency, and that's what we are looking for is consistency.

I was pleased with a lot of things in the game. I was pleased with the fact that in all three phases we were able to compete in terms of points. The turnover for a touchdown, the kick return for a touchdown, the play at the end of the first half, we score there, in the two-minute drive we come back with the interception, score again, but it's just got to be more consistent from all of us. We can't be a fourth-quarter team, we can't be a first-quarter team, we can't be a first-half team or second-half team. We've got to string it together.

On the Jets' defense ...

I was really pleased with the way we played in the first half and creating points in the first half off of the turnover, being able to do a good job against the running game, do a good job against the passing game. It comes down again to consistency and being able to control the running game and that will lead into not opening up as many opportunities in the passing game.

On Andre Dyson not wrapping up Plaxico Burress on the TD pass play ...

We work on tackling all the time. We talk about tackling all the time, we work on the skill all the time and that's the case. Anytime you're in a blitz-type coverage, one missed tackle and what should be a 3- or 4-yard gain turns into a significant-yard increase and a touchdown. There is nothing more important, especially on the edge, than being able to come up with the proper leverage, being able to use the sideline as help, and being able to get the receiver down. We talked all week about how strong a runner their receivers are. It's not exclusive to Andre. There was a lot of tackling with yards after contact that shouldn't be there.

On the Jets' six penalties ...

Penalties will kill you at any point. Historically we have been a low-penalized team and it's been two weeks in a row in which we've had more than we are accustomed to and more than we expect.

On Chad Pennington's three interceptions ...

I will have to look at them on tape. One was a function of another good coverage where they were looking to trap based on the outside in. One I am sure he'd like to have back and I would definitely like to have back. We were taking a chance there for the home run ball and had some big plays there, but his feet weren't set the way they could have been. And I thought it was a good play by the defensive back on the last one — he did a good job on cutting the route. All those plays we could have run the routes more effectively, we could have blocked and gave him more time. It's never about one person.

On if his offense is one-dimensional ...

Anytime you are not able to effectively stop the run or run the ball effectively, it makes it tough. That is something we have been addressing and we will continue to address and it goes back to the interception question. There are plenty of holes we can do a better job hitting, we can do a better job making these plays and we can do a better job drawing up the plays on this coaching staff. We are going to look at all these things. They are all going to be addressed and it has to be consistent.


On his job security ...

I don't have any concern. My whole concern is me and what I can do to get better and become a better quarterback.

On the game ...

I see plays out there where I really see myself making improvement throwing the ball down the field. We had some big-time down-the-field completions today. Then you take two plays and it just ruins the whole day. That is what it boils down to. The first interception, we did a good job of bouncing back from that one, but the next two just ruin the whole day when you saw a lot of improvement across the board. I saw improvement in me as a quarterback with being able to make some throws down the field and stepping up with confidence and making some good throws. Then two plays just ruined that whole thing. That is probably the most disappointing thing.

On the Giants' defense ...

You always have to give credit to your opponent when they beat you. The Giants did a great job of giving different looks on every snap. They did a good job of holding our running game down. A lot of times people get on defensive backs saying the reason they aren't receivers is because they can't catch. These guys that we played today have really good hands. Anytime you have a defensive back that can catch the football and not just knock it down, that is a game-changing player and a game-changing play.

How he will look back on this game tonight ...

It won't be fun. I'll do my best to look at the game as a whole and look where I've made improvements and see where I can correct those mistakes. It's frustrating and believe me, it makes you sick to your stomach. But that is the game of football.


On the game ...

We came into the game knowing we could put up a good fight and a good challenge. We were able to do that and were up by 10 points at the half. In the second half they came out and executed better than we did and made more plays than we did.

On the mistakes ...

You can't just focus on one thing. When you are losing it's more than one thing. You can't put one finger on one thing that is going wrong. You have to try and correct everything.


On his kickoff-return touchdown ...

Obviously we have worked on it a lot. That's a part of the game that we've been able to execute so far this season. With a return like that, you try to gain momentum and put it back on your side and you'll get it for a split second. We got it and then we lost it again.

On how disappointing it is to lose that momentum ...

It's disappointing. It just goes back to what we talk about all the time: You have to play four quarters of football. Hats off to the New York Giants. They did a great job of coming back in the second half and they finished the game. As Coach Mangini talks about all the time, you can't just play three quarters, you have to play a complete four quarters and a complete game, offense, defense and special teams.

On being 1-4 and the hole the Jets are in ...

We are not too worried about that. We are going to keep on doing what we've been doing; we will prepare ourselves the same way. It's going to be tough, but at the same time we are going to keep preparing ourselves and keep the same approach.

On frustrations with the offense's inconsistencies ...

We can't have that on offense and that's something we realize, that we have to execute better. The Giants did a good job covering us, stopping our run, controlling our pass, and we just have to execute better. Each player has to see what they can do to help our team. We are going to the drawing board but keeping the same approach. We have to keep preparing well and doing what we're doing and hope we can turn it around.


On the missed tackle of Plaxico Burress ...

It was a one-on-one tackle and I just didn't make the tackle. I have to get him down anyway that I can. He made a great play. It was a nice stiff arm and I tried to do the best that I could but I didn't get him down and that is very disappointing but you learn and just try harder next week. We work on sideline tackling all the time. He kept on running. I didn't think there was anyway of getting out of there because he was so close to the sidelines. I thought it was going to be an easy tackle but he did a good job of staying in bounds. It's frustrating. You make good plays and make plays and you have to learn from both and try and get better for next week.

On being consistent ...

You have to come out and finish and come out and play with some intensity. They played better than us in the second half and we lost the game.


On the Jets' game vs. the Giants ...

We hold ourselves to high standards because we know the kind of players we have in this locker room. In the first half we met those standards and in the second half we played way below those standards. That is the frustrating part and that is the discipline part. We just have to be more consistent. I know I have to play better. We just have to go back to work and get this thing turned around.

On the interception-return TD by Aaron Ross:

He did a good job of sitting back and watching. He jumped the route. He made a good play but you just have to try to do anything in your power to prevent the interception. I don't care if it's pass interference or anything. You just have to do everything in your power to prevent it.

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