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Dyson: Lions Can Run Anything From Anywhere


Cornerback Andre Dyson will be one of the men to mark Roy Williams come Sunday. Williams leads the league in receiving yards with 552, 15 more yards than Jets receiver Laveranues Coles. Dyson has three interceptions this season and now has totaled 20 in his career.

"Every week teams have superstar players and you have to go into every week with the same attitude - just out there to win, play fast, play hard and play smart," Dyson said. "That is what we try to do, no matter what name is on the back of the jersey or what decal is on the helmet."

Read below for the complete transcripts from Inside the Jets Locker Room

New York Jets' CB Andre Dyson, 10.18

On what makes Mike Martz's offense so challenging…

If I remember correctly, they have a big playbook, they can run anything from anywhere on the field and that's a challenge. We have to be prepared for everything and try to play smart.

On what makes Roy Williams so challenging…

He's a great receiver. He's tall, has long arms, runs good routes and makes plays. He's one of the leading receivers in this league.

On Jon Kitna…

I've played Kitna a few times and he's a great quarterback. He started at Cincinnati for a long time and he made plays. He has a great arm, he runs, he does everything and he's going to be a big challenge for us.

On blocking out negative talk and focus on the upcoming game…

You can't worry about it, you need to take it game-by-game. If you start thinking too far in the future, you're going to forget about what you have to do in the present. We're going to worry about that, we're just going to worry about this week against the Lions.

On taking a team seriously that does not have good stats…

Like I said, it's the NFL. Every game is going to be tough, there aren't too many times when one team is going to be much better than another. Every game has to be treated the same, no matter what the record is you have to play to win.

On not letting up against Roy Williams…

Every week teams have superstar players and you have to go into every week with the same attitude; just out there to win, play fast, play hard and play smart. That is what we try to do, no matter what name is on the back of the jersey or what decal is on the helmet.

New York Jets' LB Victor Hobson, 10.18

On the starters being determined on whoever is playing well at the moment…

It keeps everybody competitive; it's a competitive game and we all like competition, so we don't have any choice, but to embrace it. If I looked at it as pressure, it could get to me.

On the challenge of the Lions' offense…

It's a good offense; they have a great running back and a quarterback with a very strong arm, Roy Williams is a big, solid, strong receiver that has been making plays for the last couple of weeks. It's definitely an offense that we're going to have to be ready for in all phases, we're going to have to be disciplined, because there is a lot of emotion.

On the Lions' offense being similar to the Jets' offense…

I would just say it's the typical Mike Martz offense, and that's an offense that presents a whole lot of problems.

On wanting to play well for an old coach…

We want to play well for ourselves. Like I said earlier, this is a competitive system and if you're not playing well, you might find yourself watching. We want to play well so we can be out there on the field and help our team win.

On where there is the most room for improvement on defense…

There are different thing that come up every week and there are always going to be things that you feel can be corrected, but I don't think there is one major issue that we need to concentrate on.

On what he needs to improve on personally…

There are a lot of different things that I always try to work on. Minor things, my stance for example, is something I work on a lot. I'm never satisfied.

New York Jets' RB Derrick Blaylock, 10.18

On winning games at home…

Oh yeah, definitely. You need to go in, dig deep and take each opponent as though they're important. It's any given Sunday; every team is good, they're NFL players just like us, so anything can happen.

On not getting respect due to the 3-3 record…

We're 3-3 and that's a good record in the NFL, but I think we let a couple game slip behind us. I felt like we had a chance to win against New England and the Colts, but we're just going to keep plugging away and preparing for the games ahead of us.

New York Jets' QB-KR Drew Coleman, 10.18

On breaking in to the starting lineup…

The main thing is, coming onto this team, I knew I had to find a role. I'm finding a niche, I'm having a lot of fun on special teams trying to make some plays, and just trying to work myself in gradually on defense and get a little playing time. It's really a coaching decision.

On starting first on special teams…

I really don't know. As far as first-rounders, I guess you could say they're pretty much guaranteed, but for everyone else, we need to find a role on the team. I think I contribute a lot on special teams and I think that's the main thing, just finding my niche on special teams and trying to find a way to fit into the defensive scheme and help them out.

On the speed of NFL players…

I haven't played against anyone who was blazing fast. Welker was a good receiver; he was quick, Chambers also, and all the other receivers we play against. The main thing is, all of them are so much bigger than me, they're so physical, trying to get off blocks and trying to get in there on tackles or the big running backs. I would say just the physical part and the fact that I'm smaller than just about everyone else on the field makes it challenging.

On learning to compensate for physical opponents…

Yeah, just study your opponent and utilize what you know from studying last week on certain formations or adjustments; it's the little things that they do, maybe their alignment on the field. Being with Andre, Justin and David has helped me out a lot. They're continuously talking to me on the field and on the sideline. They give me good advice and try to help me out.

On the jump from Junior College to Division I, then to the NFL…

It has been a big jump. I thought from Junior College to Division I was a big jump as far as speed and the competition, but now, it's on a whole different level. In college, you still have the players that are good, but you may have starters on one side that aren't as big as the other side, now you have receivers that are all talented and are going to make plays.

On the adjustment switching to defense…

It was definitely hard, switching, but it's something that I always like to do. I don't want to say tackling wasn't a big part of my game; I was always fast, so I would run with the receivers. Me being a receiver for so long, it kind of helps out knowing route combinations. Getting my technique and my assignments and the little things right, as far as playing corner back, I think that's what I need to work on and am going to work on. It feels good being a corner back, I miss receiver, but it's all working out well right now.

On compensating for his height…

With the speed and height issue, a lot of corners are short, but most of them are so strong and physical, they know how to get inside the receivers. It's just hype, if you let it get to you, it can wear you down, but if you go out there and know that you can compete with the guys that are taller and bigger, then you can just go out and compete.

On the challenge of NFL receivers like Roy Williams…

I really don't know, they're all talented, not just Roy. They have Furrey, who is good and Hakim, he's dangerous with the ball in his hands. We really have our work cut out for us, we need to watch them, make corrections and get back on the field to prepare for them.

On Mangini changing the starters often…

Like you said, he changes personnel on every play or whenever he wants. The main thing is doing your job, doing your assignment, and what you're asked to do. If you go out there and you play sound defense in the way that it's supposed to be played, I don't think you'll have a problem. Once you start messing up and doing things that you're not coached to do, that's when you have a problem. Just doing the little things right, that's what he wants us to do.

New York Jets' DE Bryan Thomas, 10.18

On this past game being his best game ever…

I don't know. Technique-wise, I think I did pretty well out there, but my best game, I don't look at it like that, I just look at it as a win. I want to go out there and win, so as long as we win I'm happy and satisfied.

On adapting to Mangini's system better than expected…

I think there are still some things I have to work out technique-wise. I feel like, as time goes on, my position coach and coordinators are helping out and getting me more accustomed to the position.

On what he thought about Mangini's system initially…

I just trusted that Mangini was going to bring in something that was going to work. Whatever it was, I didn't care as long as we went out there and executed it to the best of our ability.

On wondering if his past production suffered due to lack of opportunity…

I'm not going to say that, because that's contradicting two good defensive ends that I was in front of, I learned a lot from them. I just took it as is and I studied, I asked questions. I still talk to them now, so to say I could have been better back then takes away from them. No, I don't look at it like that. I just waited my turn and it's finally here.

On not having much playing time in at the start of his career…

In the beginning of my career, I struggled a lot and there was a lot that I didn't know. Just throwing me right in the game wouldn't have been beneficial, so I am grateful that I did wait. It helped me along to study behind some good players; if I was just thrown out there without knowing anything, you all would be criticizing me worse than you did in the past.

New York Jets' LB Jonathan Vilma, 10.18

On his fellow teammates…

They've been doing a great job as far as cutting the edge for us, making plays around the corner, fumble recoveries and things like that. They've been very opportunistic this year, doing their jobs and then some, so it has been good.

On having a sense that everything is coming together…

Yeah, definitely, we had a pretty good game except for two runs that totaled about 40 yards and we had a pretty game with our rush defense. Those little things will show up, but we're definitely getting better.

On Kitna…

I think he has a good arm, he makes good decisions and he trusts his arm. He'll stick it in there and you can win with a quarterback like that.

On how important this game is…

We're not even looking at 4-3 as being a great feat, we're just going out and making sure we win the games we should and prepare the way we should, so we can go into the bye week feeling good about ourselves.

On how emotional Donnie Henderson will be…

I don't think he can get any more emotional than he already is. It will be good for him to come back and he's going to have fun with it.

On the importance of getting ahead early to take the Lions out…

It's the NFL, it's hard to completely count a team out. We were down 24-0 to the Patriots and we came back, so we just have to keep plugging, keep executing and play well.

New York Jets' WR Jerricho Cotchery, 10.18

On the Dolphins' defense giving up a lot of yards…

They pose a great challenge. I think they play with a lot of energy on defense and they have some talented guys that can make a lot of plays. I hear a lot of people talking about how many yards they're allowing on the passing game, but I think that can be misleading because they're stuffing the run so well right now that a lot of teams are forced to pass. I think we need to go out, play hard and just execute our plays.

On preparing for Shaun Rogers or not…

We monitor every situation with the next opponent and there is a possibility that he's not going to play because of the suspension. We're still preparing as if he is playing and we're just going to take it that way.

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